
SolidWorks Cufflinks

SolidWorks is by far the best CAD packages I’ve ever used. It’s so easy to manipulate 3D models with it and it just makes designing a breeze. I’d probably consider myself a ‘SolidWorks fan-boy’.

Last year there was a 3D printing contest within my Engineering club. The contest was to model/design something you would want 3D printed from Shapeways, but it had to fulfill certain criteria. Some of the criteria was it had to cost under $40 shipped and it had to utilize 3 or four specific SolidWorks modeling tools (I don’t recall what they were anymore).

I wear a tuxedo semi frequently due to the fact that I play in a string quartet for weddings and I occasionally have to wear a tux for other ensembles I’m a part of. This inspired my idea for the contest. My idea ended up being to make SolidWorks logo cuff-links.

I had the cuff-link pendants 3D printed in the material that Shapeways has labeled “Polished Nickel”. When I got the pendants in the mail they were really good-looking, but I ended up polishing them myself which really made them shine.

I then soldered the pendants to the cuff-link studs that I purchased from Amazon.com.

If I were to make them again, I would have a little recess modeled into the backside of the pendant so that the cuff-link studs will be mechanically lined up and I wouldn’t have to eye-ball it.