I got in the mail today a 900MHz FPV package from HobbyKing.com. I’ve been too busy with school work today to actually put it on my tricopter and go fly with it, but I did spend some time this evening plugging it all up and setting the camera around my apartment. As you can see, this is all just taped together so I can have some fun with it.
The FPV kit came with a board camera, but after just a few minutes it stopped working so I’ll have to figure that out later. Luckily, I have Turnigy Action Cam (or as I call it, a FauxPro) and I hooked that up with a live video out cable I have for it.
The screen is a 7″ LCD that is sold as a screen that would go in CSR headrests or something like that. I got it from Amazon.com for like $24 or something so it was fairly cheap.
I plan on making either a ground station or mounting the LCD to my transmitter for when I fly. Not sure which yet. I can’t use goggles because I wear prescription glasses with a crazy prescription so FatSharks are out of the question for me.
The screen/receiver bundle and transmitter are each powered by 3S lipos.